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Multispectral Shielding

Shieldex offers a lightweight, flexible, and multi-layered shielding system. The individual components provide comprehensive protection across various spectral ranges. This innovative technology enables effective multispectral camouflage and shielding for military and security-related applications. Our Shieldex products, such as shielding fabrics for military applications and protective textiles for the military, are designed to meet the most advanced requirements.

Commonly used for

EMP Protection
NIR Shielding
Optical Shielding
Thermal Shielding

Optical Shielding (Visual Range)

In the visual spectrum (400 nm-750 nm), optical shielding makes objects difficult to detect. Specially designed camouflage patterns and fabric structures reduce visual contrasts and help conceal objects in their surroundings. This is crucial for avoiding detection by the human eye or visual surveillance systems.

NIR Shielding (Near-Infrared and Low-Light Range)

Near-infrared (NIR) shielding protects within the wavelength range of 750 nm to 1400 nm from detection by low-light intensifiers and NIR sensors. By using infrared shielding and NIR-absorbing materials, visibility in the NIR range can be effectively reduced. This technology is particularly relevant for applications such as Ghillie suits with infrared protection, offering improved camouflage in low-light conditions.

Thermal Shielding (MWIR and LWIR) and Heat Signature

Our solution provides excellent protection in the mid-wave and long-wave infrared range (3000 nm-15000 nm) by reducing the heat signature of objects. Through the reflection of thermal radiation, objects remain difficult to detect by infrared and thermal sensors. This is essential for reducing the signature of military equipment and contributes to invisibility from thermal imaging cameras. This technology is used in military protective textiles and mobile command center shielding to ensure maximum camouflage under all conditions.

EMI and RFI Shielding, as well as EMP Protection

The multi-layered shielding system also provides strong protection against electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI). This protects sensitive electronic devices and communication systems from external disruptions and attacks. Shielding is performed according to strict military standards, such as MIL-Standard 285, and is essential for protecting military equipment from unauthorized signal access. Additionally, protection against electromagnetic pulses (EMP) ensures high security against external disturbances, which is critical for EMI shielding according to military standards.


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    Shieldex® Bremen RS UK MIL IR

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    Shieldex® Shielding Pouches

    IT Forensic
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    Shieldex® EMC Enclosure

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